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The PLUIES project by Belgian-Hungarian artist Pauline Mikó is a sound and performative
project that aims to strengthen the relationship between plants, nature and the human being. Through a system of sensors and electrodes connected to the leaves of the plants and the body of the artist, the bio-electric exchange set up is transformed into sound, thanks to a modular synthesizer. The sound waves are then modulated to produce music, both for the ears of the spectators but also for the plants themselves. This system of electrodes, created by the artist, allows the expression of the energies of 11 different plants simultaneously.

By mixing nature and technology, Pauline Mikó offers us an original and sensory experience. The artist tries to give back a legitimate place to plants in our urban lives. By enhancing our connection to our environment, the idea is to become aware of its fragility and the importance of respecting it. The main intention of the artist is to put life back in the center of our communities and allowing a dialogue with Nature.

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